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What Is Brain Training?

Many academic struggles are the result of weaknesses in one or more of the basic cognitive skills that support learning. Cognitive skills training works to strengthen weak or insufficient cognitive skills so that learning is enhanced.


Cognitive skills are the basic processing functions that enable us to learn. These include attention, memory, auditory and visual processing, logic, and reasoning ability. Unlike academic skills which are taught and relate to knowledge about specific subjects, cognitive skills are the underlying mental abilities necessary to process, analyze, and retain information.


Cognitive skills training focuses on strengthening cognitive deficits so that overall learning ability is improved. In recent years, as awareness has grown regarding the impact of weak cognitive skills on academic performance, the variety and availability of cognitive skills training programs have increased.


We get started by administering the highly regarded Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities. This battery of tests enables us to assess a wide range of cognitive skills so that the specific difficulties affecting a student can be accurately identified.


Using information obtained from the preliminary testing an individualized program is developed for each student. A private training specialist is assigned to work with students one-on-one for multiple days each week over an 12-15-week period. Using an approach that we developed called the R.A.I.S.E Method.


The R.A.I.S.E Method:


• (R)ewire the brain through a series of tried and true learning  and cognitive training techniques

• (A)ffect Behavior by making students aware of limiting coping mechanisms and by gently modifying undesirable and distracting conduct

• (I)nspire student to success by allowing them to track their improvement and write daily insights. This assists in helping the student to build self-efficacy, self-confidence, and self-esteem

• (S)upport students by scaffolding them to success

• (E)ncourage student to push through their challenge areas to meet their goals At IGHS we Rewire Affect Inspire Support and Encourage!


We will also use a series of non-academic drills, games, and exercises to target the strengthening of a specific cognitive skill. Students average a 1.5 - 3.6 year gain in cognitive skills.


Please contact us to schedule a test and consultation for either yourself or your child. We work with students ages 7-70 yrs old.


* Testing Prices Begin at $85

* Group Training Discounts Available

© 2019 by Naz Khalid

Inner G Healing 
Ph: 725-444-0779
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